6 Ways You Can Help Save Captive Killer Whales Right Now

If you’ve ever wondered what one person can do for caged orcas, this is for you.
By David Kirby

David Kirby has been a professional journalist for 25 years.
‘What Can I Do?’
Ever since my book Death At SeaWorld was released, nearly a year ago, I have received countless emails from concerned readers, who were so disturbed by the lives of killer whales in glass and concrete tanks owned by powerful corporations that they wanted to do something to help. But how?
Emily Vargo, a Spanish teacher from Maryland, for example, told me about how her father, a former SeaWorld employee, who is now “very critical of the treatment of park animals,” read her excerpts from the book. “I cried and asked him to stop—I couldn’t take it!” she wrote. “I just wanted to write you to see if there is anything one person can do?”
That same question has been coming up repeatedly after worldwide …

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